Friday, 6 September 2013

The Importance of Children's Book Publishing

Since the time a child utters the first few syllables, excited parents look forward to the day when their child will hold full-fledged conversations with them! Means of communicating with a child include physical contact, gestures of love, speech and the written word. It takes a while for the child to get to reading and writing. But the importance of books in the growth of a child cannot be denied or stressed enough.
From the time that a child starts splashing with crayons in a colouring book, parents encourage books to become a part and parcel of their child's engagement with the surrounding environment. From the recognition of birds and animals in a picture book to enhancing mathematical skills through puzzles, a child is able to develop diverse mind skills through books.
Books are like individuals that a child meets in life, each having a distinct story, each conveying its own wisdom, each having something to say and each enriching the soul due to the close encounter. Apart from the obvious text books in school curriculums, there is a plethora of choices in picture books, non-fiction books, fiction books and encyclopaedias, for children to read and understand.

The reading habit once formed in childhood is rarely given up later in life. Tastes in books may change over time, but the passion for what the next book will reveal, remains! Books are such an amazing means for a child to imagine, learn and know. Children's fiction makes fairies, goblins and giants so much more believable. The kings and queens appear grand and even Harry Potter seems like a guy next door!

Speaking of Harry Potter, it is not as if there has been a dearth of excellence in the genre of children's publishing. Somehow in the modern context, J. K. Rowling's work has set a benchmark for how children's fiction can be lucrative. Smart children's book publishers are now tapping into not just the educational aspect of children's writing but also into the business aspect, after the worldwide acclaim and money that Rowling has gathered.

Of course, just like no formula works to guarantee a film's success, publishers should always watch out for being formulaic. Good, honest piece of writing always connects and is best for the writer, the publisher and the reader. When it comes to children's writing, it is essential to keep it honest. No one wants their faith and innocence to be shattered by feeding fallacies and deliberate lies. Discerning publishers are prudent about the works they choose to publish and pay special attention to books that are targeted at little ones.

Children tend to believe wholly in the written word. They treat it almost like a gospel of truth. It requires mature and attentive adults around them to point out the difference between imagination and reality. Children's books are tailored as much to equip them with life tools as to entertain them. Children love stories but they like them more when there is also a moral to the story!

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