Today, I would like to provide additional details to help you succeed with publishing your first eBook. Although I've written articles on this subject in the past, I would like to elaborate further because some people are still unsure of where to begin. Not only that but many people are also deciding to write a book for the wrong reasons, hence why so many have failed at becoming an indie-author (independent author).
With this in mind, here are my top 5 secrets to eBook publishing success:
1. Motivation:
Prior to writing any book, you must first determine your motivation for doing so. Whether your motivation is to launch a new career, inspire and educate others, or to leave a legacy for your children, you must always know why you're writing a particular book.Please note that you should never write a book just for fame and fortune. Nor should you write a book to follow certain trends, like vampires and zombies, because by the time that you notice that trend it'll most likely be over since it takes quite a bit of time to write and publish high-quality content.
To me, the best motivational factor for writing a book is love.
If you love to write and feel that there's nothing more worthwhile to do, then becoming a published author might be the right career choice for you. In essence, you must believe that your book is an important story that must be told because it personifies your life in some way and that you'd write the book even if you didn't earn a penny.
2. Research & Homework:
Once you confirmed on your motivation for publishing an eBook, the next step is to conduct research on the genre that you're writing about. For example, if you're writing an eBook to assist others with career development, then it would behoove you to complete research and homework pertaining to the latest strategies for improving one's career. Use search engines, learn from best-sellers, and incorporate key strategies within your book that you feel will help your readers with career development.Remember, the more pages you have, the more chances you have for success. As an author, you always want to provide readers with high-quality content filled with as much valuable information as possible!
3. Hard Work, Focus & Prioritization:
As we're aware, hard work, focus, and prioritization skills are required for accomplishing any goal. So if you feel that your story must be told, then act like it. Work hard, create deadlines, consistently focus, and make your book a priority - even if you only write one page a day. By doing so, you'll have your first book published in no time at all.For those who have issues with focus and prioritization, you may want to consider joining local writing workshop, or getting a writing coach to ensure that committed deadlines are met. Another option is to have someone you trust to monitor your progress in an effort to not only avoid writer's block but also to complete your book in a timely fashion.
4. Be Creative:
One of the most vital component to eBook publishing success is creativity. Make sure that your eBook, including cover, is creative and in a format capable of continually enticing readers to turn the page. By being creative and using certain keywords and sentence structures, you could write in a manner that sings to audiences worldwide.Remember, never write a book just because it happened in real life, especially if it's boring. Those that typically do end up failing because no one wants to read a book that's old, boring, or cliche.
5. Networking:
Networking is also crucial for publishing success. Working with others who share a similar passion will enable you to open up new doors and create a win-win situation for all stakeholders. For instance, you could share each other's book on your website, blog, social media, or through word-of-mouth with family and friends. This is a much cheaper alternative to marketing and advertising compared to other paid options.One of the best ways to network is through volunteer work at local charities. By volunteering at charities that pertain to your genre, you could become part of a family that supports your mission and vision. For example, if you're writing a book about stress prevention, you could volunteer at organizations who help others deal with stressful times in their lives. Not only would you be able to learn more about your genre but also help others, along with creating good karma in the process! I look forward to reading your first eBook:-)
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