Article writing and submission could be a very daunting task, but depending on the way you look at the process, it can really be fun. However, analyzing both painful and joyful parts of article marketing can open your eyes to opportunities in this process for your website.
Article marketing starts with keyword research and it is important to get it right. The keywords to be targeted must be lucrative and with less competition. This will determine the traffic your website will get and the keywords must be very specific and it is advisable to use long-tail keywords.
You can predict, to some extent, the traffic you can get from article marketing if you carry out the process properly. You don't need to go for keywords with several thousands of searches every month because they could be harder to rank and may not be as targeted as desired. If they have fair amount of searches every month with less competition, you can go ahead to work on them.
The painful part of article marketing is when you have to start the writing and submission process. Common problems of the process are lack of time, poor command of English, slow typing speed and so on. The ability to surmount these challenges is what distinguishes a successful article marketer from an unsuccessful one.
In order to overcome these challenges, you need to discover how you can enjoy article writing and submission. We enjoy doing different things and while some people enjoy writing, others don't. If you know what you really enjoy, you will be able to dedicate enough time to improve yourself in that area. If you love writing and you don't like distribution, you can write the articles and hire someone to handle the distribution. On the other hand, if you love to distribute articles, you can hire someone to write for you while you distribute them. But if you don't like the two processes, you have no choice but to hire someone to handle them for you.
The true joy of article marketing comes from getting traffic from your articles, links to your website and ranking well on search engines. The ultimate joy comes from getting traffic from search engines which will considerably boost the revenue you will realize from your website. But you need to be focused and consistent in your article marketing effort so that you will be able to reap its reward.
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