Monday, 2 September 2013

The Writer's Resource: Tips, Tricks & Strategies for Becoming a Better Writer

Let's face it--as a marketing copywriter you're not writing for your health.  You're writing to copywritingget people to take action, right?  So, what's the difference between writing for fun and writing for profit?  The ability to persuade.
Any copywriting should have a specific purpose in mind.  This helps to keep the content focused on a specific goal in order to achieve it.  Behind the purpose of the copywriting lie techniques to persuade readers to take some type of action.  The action might be to make a purchase, join a cause or participate in a debate.  Whatever the desired action, one thing is for sure: in today's competitive marketing environment, copy that does not persuade is just taking up cyberspace.
To kick your persuasive copywriting up a notch, here are five essential tips to use:

Leverage your social proof –

 A HubSpot article noted that social proof gives your writing credibility by either emphasizing you are a credible source or by having another credible source endorse your statement or position.  This can be accomplished through surveys (“4 out of 5 dentists prefer…”), having a quote from a credible source to back you up, or noting your experience and knowledge.

Agitate –

 few techniques can get as many reactions as a controversial stance or position that opens up room for debate.  You can offer up a particular position on a controversial subject and then discuss solutions or options that are available.  When delicately handled this type of persuasion can work very well.

Establish an “exclusive” community –

 offer the opportunity for readers to be a part of a group that has similar opinions or interests.  By crafting the invitation properly the reader may be persuaded that this exclusive invitation allows them to be a part of something special.

Rinse and repeat – 

never underestimate the power of repetition in your writing.  Rephrase and reemphasize your points consistently in order to drive home your message.

Discuss alternatives –

 it is perfectly OK to look at alternatives to the solutions that your writing is proposing.  This gives you an opportunity to note any objections and explain how your solution would be better.
Persuasive copywriting gives you an opportunity to influence the behavior of your readers.  Take full advantage of the opportunity by trying different techniques and learning what works best for your target audience.

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