Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Social Networking and the Benefits of Using Them to Improve Our Lives

Socializing for most people is easy, but there are some who find this activity very daunting. Making friends is hard; the shy types are always staying home and curling up with a good book. Burying their lives in the pages of any novel they are interested, has been the life they lead. Now comes the wonderful world of social networking, and there is a new lease on life. They can be a different person on the line. The shy girl or boy is able to have a healthy conversation with any stranger and not feel shy or self conscious. Why is this? The person they speak with is not able to see them, so, what ever inhibitions they may have is gone for the time spent on line with their new found friend.
There are many social sites which have mushroomed in a short time since the invention of Facebook. People will log on to any of these sites in order to find a friend, or link with friends they need to make plans with; others use these sites to find long lost relatives. I did, I found my brother whom I have not seen in 10 years. This was a truly happy time for me. People use these sites to find school mates, make business contacts and to get information about any social event that they may be interested in attending.

There are Match Making sites, which lonely people use to find romance. This works out for some people while others are disappointed. Some find love and eventually get married while there are some who may end up meeting the wrong sort of person, and they are truly disappointed. There are risks in using these social sites to find a date. Many terrible things happen during these meetings, so the best way to go about this is always planning group socials, where you know all the people you go out with.

Planning events is another way of using social networking intervention. The events are sent through cyberspace and a lot of people will view your event and attend. Friends will see the posting and make plans to attend, in this way; you will probably see people you have not seen for a long time. So reunions are possible. However you choose to use social networking because it is a growing trend you may wake up one day and there are new methods to this innovative creation. The world is getting smaller; the utilization of this technology will increase as people find many more innovative ways to use this system.

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