Friday, 28 June 2013

Early childhood education: it really is brain science

If Australia is to truly capitalise on the Asian Century then "quality education" will be key.

That was the message from inside the budget lock up delivered by Wayne Swan who added that it was our knowledge base and service skills that would bring the export dollars flooding in from our neighbour states once China and India had built enough skyscrapers, roads, bridges and railways to slow demand for iron ore and coal.
State and federal Governments crow about the value of quality education but it's hard to remember a single policy that has appreciably lifted standards. Vast sums of cash have been hurled at schools and yet according to the OECD country comparison tables, Australia lags behind on literacy and numeracy measures.

It was Einstein who said that no problem can be solved by the same thinking which created it. For more than 100 years, the prevailing logic assumed that children at five or six years old had acquired enough independence to leave home and be educated by others. This created the entirely unscientific foundation for modern education policy which makes school attendance compulsory for those aged 5-15 or 17.

Over the past decade, ground breaking neurological research has revealed the folly of this approach. Science tells us that 80 per cent of brain development occurs before a child is three years old. By the age of four, 92 per cent of the brain is formed. Neuroscience can now tell us that the experiences and environment in the first years of life affect the way the brain develops.

Labor's Jenny Macklin in opposition committed to a national survey to assess the development of children across the country as they entered their first year of school. In 2009, the Government followed through with an assessment of more than 260,000 children, representing 97.5 per cent of all those entering kindergarten/prep. The results of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) shocked and disturbed those in Government and beyond - around one in four children were entering primary school with poor general knowledge, physical health and mental wellbeing, low emotional maturity, and vulnerable in language, cognitive or communications skills.

Nobel Prize Winning University of Chicago Economist James Heckman has long argued that Governments must "invest in early childhood education now or pay later". He has found that every dollar invested in a pre-school program generates a 17 per cent return to society. Too much money, he says, is spent in later years addressing issues that could have been prevented in early education. His work has been echoed in Britain by the Institute of Education which has tracked 3,000 students since 1997 and recently found that the quality of learning during a child's early years has a strong impact on achievement in high school. Another report creates the link between early education and success in tertiary education.

Paediatrician Frank Oberklaid from the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne helped develop and roll out the Government's early development index. He says it's like building the foundations of a house.

"If you take shortcuts, like using cheaper cement, everything that follows is potentially at risk. So it is with young children; if the foundations are shaky because we did not invest in quality early learning environments, everything that follows is then at risk."

Reacting to that first AEDI Index in 2009, the federal and state governments in partnership signed an agreement to offer "universal access to early childhood education by 2013" for all four-year-olds. The education promised is to be provided by a four-year university qualified early childhood teacher for 15 hours a week, 40 weeks a year. The policy was repeated in the budget papers last week but lacked any proposals as to how the aspiration will be achieved. In fact, it's widely acknowledged by all of those involved in the preschool and childcare sector that this policy cannot be delivered by the 2013 deadline.

Demand for preschool places is outstripping the supply in many areas with no Government strategy for increasing the number of preschools across the country. Critically, there is also an alarming shortage of qualified staff in the sector. Professor Oberklaid muses that "if parents discovered that 50 per cent of their primary school teachers were unqualified, they'd be marching in the street, so why do we think it is ok that less than half of the staff in childcare centres have tertiary qualifications?"

The federal budget 2012 submission by United Voice, the Early Childhood Education and Care union argues that pre-school teachers need a professional wage. Even with a university degree, a child care worker can currently expect to earn no more than the award rate of $55,000 pa which is well below average weekly earnings. There is currently no incentive for those people to stay in child care working 48 weeks a year when they can earn more as a primary school teacher while also enjoying the benefits of generous school holiday leave entitlements. Until the wage issue is addressed, the COAG promise of a four year university qualified teacher offering universal access to quality pre-school remains a con.

On current estimates, 20 per cent of four-year-olds are not participating in pre-school programs in Australia. Most of those who do attend such programs do so for much less than 15 hours a week. The highest obstacle to quality childcare and pre-school in Australia remains the perception that it is all unpaid "women's work" which should be performed in the home for free. As a result, there is an acute social undervaluation of work performed by Early Childhood Educators and Carers. There is also some resistance from the private sector. There is no place for profit in primary and high school education (all earnings of private schools must be ploughed back in to the schools) so why should there be a profit motive attached to an early learning centre? It should come as no surprise that the National Quality Framework requirements for higher qualifications and staff to child ratios are being argued against by some operators. In childcare we should applaud altruism not entrepreneurship (remember ABC Learning?).

The neuroscience research should be forcing a revolution in public education policy. Scientists and economists tell us this is not a career involved in passive babysitting but formative and life-changing education, and at least as important if not more so than the other 13 years of school. Joseph Sparling, an honorary fellow in education at the University of Melbourne has declared that waiting until the year before children start school to introduce structured learning is "neglect". For children with high levels of advantage and family support, starting at three or four is fine, he says. For many others, early intervention could save them from a lifetime of failure.

The Gonski Review into Education Funding sought to determine how best to allocate money around the Catholic, state and independent sectors. David Gonski's report suggested an "urgent" $5.6 billion investment" was needed. That report was two years in the making and will now likely be debated for another two years. The only mention of the Gonski Review in the budget was the sum of $5.8 million put toward the further study of its recommendations. If the Government is so committed to "universal access to preschool" for four-year-olds by 2013, why didn't Education Minister Peter Garrett or Prime Minister Julia Gillard ask Mr Gonski to include pre-schools in his funding proposal?

So far we've seen the Federal Government contribute $970 million over five years to 2012/13 to the preschool proposal but there has been no explanation of how that money is helping to plug the holes in access, affordability or quality of care. The research shows that participating in a quality early childhood education program can significantly increase positive educational and life outcomes for children, especially those from more disadvantaged backgrounds.

Why aren't all three and four-year-olds incorporated into an integrated  school system that begins with childcare on the same site as the primary school, with teachers earning the same salaries and respect as their peers in the primary and secondary sector? That's what they do in Britain and in France and in many other parts of Europe.

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