Sunday 21 July 2013

Mindset and Student Success

Students need the right mindset for success. Knowledge, skills and strategies are not enough by themselves for students to have successful lives. They must also learn how to self-regulate, manage and direct their minds.

Fixed Versus Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, Stanford University Professor of Psychology and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success contrasts a fixed and growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence and talents are fixed, mistakes mean they are failures and effort is useless. Those with a growth mindset believe that they can grow their intelligence and talents, mistakes are feedback to get on track and effort and practice lead to mastery. Students with a fixed mindset usually give up easily or take easier courses because grades and looking good to others are most important. Students with a growth mindset usually persist in the face of difficulties and take challenging courses because learning and developing their minds are most important. Students with a growth mindset are more likely to use their potential and get the best out of themselves. Dr. Dweck's thirty plus years of research demonstrates that students can be taught to change from a fixed to a growth mindset.

Example of a Growth Mindset

After more than 10,000 attempts to create a commercially practical incandescent electric lamp, Thomas Edison was asked by a reporter how it felt to have failed so many times. Edison said that he had not failed, but succeeded in discovering over 10,000 ways that did not work. More than 14,000 attempts were needed before Edison achieved his goal. This is a good example of a growth mindset and success mentality.

Standardized Testing and Mindset

Overemphasis on measuring students and teachers based on standardized test scores encourages them to develop fixed mindsets. They are likely to evaluate their own self-worth based on test scores. Students are less motivated to learn anything that will not be on a test and teachers feel pressured to teach to the test. How will these students develop a love for and commitment to life-long learning?

Mind is Like a Automobile

Our minds can be likened to cars. If we are in the passenger seat we are dependent on the driver to take us where we want to go. We must switch to the driver’s seat to steer the car in the direction we want to travel and to reach our destination. Helping students to manage their minds so that they can get the best out of themselves is one of the greatest gifts teachers can provide. However, teachers cannot do it alone. Communities and schools must provide students and teachers with resources, time and support that are conducive to developing growth mindsets in our students. Then knowledge, skills and strategies plus a growth mindset will be powerful combinations for student success.

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